What data am I collecting from you and how is it used?
During our information sessions I will ask about you and what has brought you to therapy, this enables me to help provide a service to you. I will also ask for an emergency contact name and number should an emergency arise during a session. I also keep the contact details of your GP; however this information will only be used if absolutely necessary and where possible will always be following consultation with you.
During or directly after our sessions I may make brief, handwritten notes, these notes are a way of keeping track of our work together, your personal details will not be on these notes. These notes may also be used in my supervision sessions, but again, you will not be personally identified.
In what circumstances may my data be shared?
It is unlikely that I will need to share your data, however the following exceptions apply:
- If I am required by a court of law, or to represent myself.
- When confidentiality needs to be breached if there is a serious risk of harm to yourself or others.
- If children or vulnerable adults are at risk.
- Where I am required to comply with safeguarding legislation, child and vulnerable adult protection, trafficking, money laundering and terrorism legislation.
How will I store your data?
Any paper records that I collect will be stored in a lockable filling cabinet in my office, these include written notes that I may take during or directly after a session. Any data that is kept on my mobile phone or computer is password protected.
How long will I store your data and how will I dispose of it?
I will keep your data for 6 years following the end of your therapy; this is in line with the recommendations of my insurance company. At the end of the 6 years all data will be shredded.
Do you have a right to see the data that I hold?
If you ask for the data that I hold for you I am legally bound to give you a copy free of charge and within one month of your request.